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Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations

When you book a psychological evaluation, you are booking three appointments.


  • The first appointment is a 90-minute clinical interview, where our Clinical Psychologist will learn about the individual's background, development, current functioning, and the reason for the evaluation. At the end of this interview, recommendations for moving forward with the testing process will be discussed. This initial interview is billed separately from the evaluation to allow you to decide if you would like to continue.


  • The second appointment is approximately 4 to 6 hours for testing. This appointment may be broken into two appointments, depending on the needs of you or your child.


  • The final appointment is a 60-minute feedback session where the results will be discussed, you will be provided with a copy of the final report, and all questions and concerns will be addressed. This appointment will be about 2 weeks after the testing appointment.

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